Sunday, March 8, 2020
Free Essays on The Euro
It?s coming! It?s Coming! And now its here the Euro Prior to 1999 the EU countries (Austria, Belgium, Ireland, Finland, Germany, Italy, Greece, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Portugal and Spain) all had their own currencies. That all changed on January 1, 1999 the euro became the official currency; however the transition was not an easy one. The introduction of the euro, Europe?s single currency has been in the planning and preparation stage for over ten years. One of the reasons for such the long wait was the skepticism of the mere idea of a single currency that the euro brought about globally. The idea came about in the early 1970?s but was tabled due to a rise in oil prices. Again in the early 1980?s the idea surfaced again and was agreed upon in 1992 by the Maastricht Treaty. After the agreement there were certain criteria that each country had to adopt, such as a controlled rate of inflation and the debt/GDP ratio. These things had to be accomplished in order be apart of the euro and have a smooth transition to the new currency. From a global aspect there were many doubts about the change in currency. The way businesses conduct themselves, the way people travel and the way corporations and companies invest their money will all be effected. However the bigger question is how it will affect the US, especially in relation to trade. Due to the interdependence of American businesses there already exist a positive relationship between America and Europe, which has helped in the transition. When it comes to trade, cost have been significantly reduced based on an end to currency conversion and the fees that exist from cross-boarder trade. This leads to the ability for large businesses to save money and increase their profits. There is also a benefit for small business based on the opportunity for international trade. In addition there will be a birth of price transparency which will lead to increased competition. Thus consume... Free Essays on The Euro Free Essays on The Euro It?s coming! It?s Coming! And now its here the Euro Prior to 1999 the EU countries (Austria, Belgium, Ireland, Finland, Germany, Italy, Greece, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Portugal and Spain) all had their own currencies. That all changed on January 1, 1999 the euro became the official currency; however the transition was not an easy one. The introduction of the euro, Europe?s single currency has been in the planning and preparation stage for over ten years. One of the reasons for such the long wait was the skepticism of the mere idea of a single currency that the euro brought about globally. The idea came about in the early 1970?s but was tabled due to a rise in oil prices. Again in the early 1980?s the idea surfaced again and was agreed upon in 1992 by the Maastricht Treaty. After the agreement there were certain criteria that each country had to adopt, such as a controlled rate of inflation and the debt/GDP ratio. These things had to be accomplished in order be apart of the euro and have a smooth transition to the new currency. From a global aspect there were many doubts about the change in currency. The way businesses conduct themselves, the way people travel and the way corporations and companies invest their money will all be effected. However the bigger question is how it will affect the US, especially in relation to trade. Due to the interdependence of American businesses there already exist a positive relationship between America and Europe, which has helped in the transition. When it comes to trade, cost have been significantly reduced based on an end to currency conversion and the fees that exist from cross-boarder trade. This leads to the ability for large businesses to save money and increase their profits. There is also a benefit for small business based on the opportunity for international trade. In addition there will be a birth of price transparency which will lead to increased competition. Thus consume... Free Essays on The Euro Invirtiendo en la bolsa de los valores  ¿Quà © es la bolsa de los valores? La mayorà a de la gente tiemblan de miedo a la idea de invertir sus ahorros en la bolsa de valores. Estas personas creen que la bolsa es un tema demasiado complicado para ellos. Estn equivocados. La bolsa de inversiones es simplemente una red organizada para el intercambio de propiedad de las compaà ±Ãƒ as pà ºblicas. Todo comienza con una empresa que quiere conseguir fondos para su negocio. Esta corporacià ³n emite acciones lo que representa propiedad verdadera en su negocio. Con el propà ³sito de obtener la mayor cantidad de capital, la compaà ±Ãƒ a ofrece sus acciones para vender và a un ministerio de comercio que tiene exposicià ³n a una poblacià ³n grande de inversionistas. Entonces, à ©ste ministerio de comercio facilita los cambios de las acciones entre los compradores y vendedores dispuestos. Conceptos importantes Se tiene que dominar algunos conceptos bsicos para comprender como funciona la bolsa y como invertir en ella. Dueà ±o Verdadero. La idea ms importante es que cuando Ud. invierte en una compaà ±Ãƒ a Ud. es, en hecho, un dueà ±o parcial de la compaà ±Ãƒ a. Esto significa que comparte los à ©xitos y fracasos financieros de la compaà ±Ãƒ a. Cuando la compaà ±Ãƒ a dà © un paso malo, el valor de su inversià ³n desciende. Cuando se realice una accià ³n positiva, el valor de su inversià ³n aumenta. Riesgo. La prà ³xima idea para captar es que todas las inversiones tienen un elemento de riesgo. Esta realidad deriva del hecho que nada es cierto en los negocios, y su inversià ³n no representa nada ms que participacià ³n en un negocio. La tolerancia de riesgo por parte de un inversionista esta premiada con el potencial de ganancias grandes. Generalmente, a mayor riesgo que acompaà ±a a una inversià ³n, a mayor rendimiento potencial ofrece la inversià ³n. Este rà ©dito es bien merecido porque pone su dinero en mucho peligro por invertir en los valores que no son ...
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