Sunday, October 27, 2019
Effectiveness of Educational Intervention for Mothers
Effectiveness of Educational Intervention for Mothers CHAPTER V DISCUSSION, SUMMARY, CONCLUSION, IMPLICATIONS, LIMITATIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS This chapter deals with discussion, summary and conclusions drawn. It clarifies the limitations of the study, the implications and recommendations given for different areas in Nursing practice, Nursing education, Administration and Research. The primary purpose of the intervention was, â€Å"care of premature babies†. DISSCUSSION: The birth of a baby before the developing organs is mature enough to allow normal postnatal survival. Premature infants are at greater risk for short and long term complications, including disabilities and impediments in growth and mental development. Significant progress has been made in the care of premature infants, but not in reducing the prevalence of preterm birth. Preterm birth is among the top causes of death in infants worldwide DEMOGRAPHIC DESCRIPTION: Mean age of the respondents were years. Most of the respondents were in the age group of 21-30 years (72.5%). In regard to education out of 40 respondents 13(32.5%) were post graduate, occupation 32(80%) were employed, religion 37 (92.5%) belonged to Hindu religion, with regard to monthly income 16(40%) were under 11000-20000, as for the years of marriage 25(62.5%) respondents were married for 1-5 years. Regarding type of family 25(62.5%) were in nuclear family. Demographic variables of the babies were included, out of 40 mothers 25 (62.5%) were having male baby. Considering the weight of the baby 17 (39.5%) were having more than 2 kg, considering the type of delivery 32(80%) had LSCS. Regarding the gestational age 22(55%) was under 32+1-35 weeks of gestation. Regarding the number of hospitalization 19(47.5%) were less than 10 days. The first objective of the study was to assess the caring skills of mothers with premature babies The present study findings revealed that, the mean pretest knowledge score of the respondents were 12.12. The mean post test knowledge score obtained was 18. The findings revealed that, the mean coping abilities of mothers with premature baby was 82.65. Chen TJ et al., (1998) conducted a study on effectiveness of videotape education for mothers of prematurity. The researcher selected Sixty two mothers were randomly assigned to a control group or experimental group. During hospitalization mothers were assigned to the experimental group received additional study regarding the knowledge and skills of caring for premature infants. The mothers in the control group received routine educational care. The findings indicated that mothers who received a videotape education reported having more knowledge and confidence of caring their preterm babies than the mothers who were in the control group. Moreover mothers in the experimental group have perceived lower stress than in the control group. The second objective of the study was to determine the effect of educational intervention on caring skills and coping ability of mothers with premature babies The present study findings revealed that, that the mean pretest and post test knowledge score of respondents before and after the educational intervention on care of premature babies were 12.12 and 18 respectively. The t’ value is 21.32 for the mean difference in the pretest and post tests knowledge score of mothers with premature babies, it is significant at 0.05 levels. These findings substantiate that the educational intervention is effective intervention of knowledge gain. The finding is consistent with swati.s.,(2013) conducted a study on to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on knowledge regarding management of low birth weight babies among postnatal mothers in selected community. Researcher selected forty postnatal mothers by using convenient sampling technique. Researcher used one group pretest posttest design. The conclusion of the study showed that overall mean score of the subjects in pretest was 56.25% with the standard deviation of 2.80, and the overall mean score of the posttest was 76.25%with the standard deviation of 2.28. The ‘t’value 13.96 was greater than the table value. It found to be a highly significant level of p The findings revealed that, the mean coping abilities of mothers with premature baby was 82.65.the percentage of overall coping score was 65.59%. The third objective of the study was to correlate the caring skills and coping abilities of mothers with premature babies For correlation of caring skills and coping abilities of mother’s formula of correlation coefficient was used. The obtained value is .76 which shows that there exists a correlation between the caring skills and coping abilities of mothers with premature babies. The finding is consistent with Han, et al., study on the report of coping strategies and psychosocial adjustment in Korean mothers of children with cancer. Researcher selected 200 Korean mothers. The conclusion of this study was the Korean mothers reported coping strategies related to maintaining family integration of an optimistic outlook for the situation as being most helpful. The most frequent use of coping pattern was maintaining family integration and an optimistic outlook for the situation. And the less frequent use of coping pattern was the information seeking were significantly associated with lower physiological distress and better family relationship after children’s medical and maternal characteristics were controlled for. Coping pattern, seeking social support was only predictive of social support. The fourth objective of the study was to associate the caring skills and coping ability of mothers with selected demographic variables In this study there is no association between pretest and posttest knowledge of caring skills and coping abilities of mothers with premature babies with demographic variables of mothers with premature babies (education, occupation monthly income and type of the family). SUMMARY The study was done to determine the effectiveness of educational intervention on caring skills and coping abilities of mothers with premature babies in KMCH hospital at Coimbatore, for which the following objectives are formulated. Assess the caring skills of mothers with premature babies Determine the effect of educational intervention on caring skills and coping ability of mothers with premature babies Correlate the caring skills and coping abilities of mothers with premature babies Associate the caring skills and coping ability of mothers with selected demographic variables The present study adopted single pretest posttest design forty respondents were selected by purposive sampling technique. The study is based on Modified Ludwigvon Bertalanffy general system model (1968). The study was conducted for a period of six weeks in KMCH. The tool for data collection are structured self administered questionnaire for assessing the caring skills of mothers with premature babies and CHIPS(coping health inventory for parents) to assessing the coping abilities of mothers with premature babies. The educational intervention given to the mother by computer. After the seventh day post test and coping ability was assessed through CHIPS. In the post test the entire respondents gained knowledge regarding caring skills of mothers with premature babies. Descriptive and inferential statistics was used in statistical analysis. Karl person’s coefficient of correlation was used to find out the correlation between caring skills and coping abilities of mothers with premature babies. Chi –square was used to find out association between background variables with caring skills and coping abilities of mothers with premature babies. The study tested and accepted that, there is a high positive correlation between caring skills and coping abilities of mothers with premature babies. MAJOR FINDINGS OF THE STUDY The mean pretest knowledge of the respondents were 12.12 The mean posttest knowledge of the respondents were 18 The mean coping abilities the respondents were 82.65 The ‘t’ value is 21.32 for the mean difference in the pretest posttest knowledge score of respondents which is statistically significant at 0.05 level. CONCLUSION The following conclusion was drawn from the study. Effectiveness of one to one teaching programme improving the mother’s caring skills of premature babies. The study proved that there is a significant difference between pretest and posttest knowledge of caring skills of mothers premature babies. The study proved that the caring skills was positively correlated with their coping score The study proved that there is no association between the caring skills and coping abilities with their selected demographic variables IMPLICATIONS Numerous implications can be drawn from the present study for practice which promotes and creates a new dimension to nursing profession and will bring numerical changes in the practical behaviors. The present study results have several implications on nursing practice, nursing education, nursing administration, and nursing research. Nursing practice Nurses can teach the care of premature babies to mothers whose babies admitted in NICU by using LCD. Motivate the mothers to give better care to their babies. Nursing education The study helps to provide knowledge in preparing mothers to provide care to the babies. Nurse educators can encourage the students to gain knowledge in care of premature babies. Nurse educator can encourage the students to learn skills in demonstrating care of premature babies in obstetrical and gynaecological wards. Nurse educator can prepare the nurses in motivating the mothers for care of premature babies by means of explanation and demonstration. Nursing administration Nurse administrator can plan and organize in service education for nursing personnel regarding care of premature babies. Nurse administrator can encourage the nursing personnel to conduct a longitudinal study of caring skills of premature babies. Nurse administrator can organize a video show regarding the caring skills of premature babies. Nursing research Nurses must develop newer instructional technology towards nursing education and nursing practice on care of premature babies. The study gives emphasis to practice evidence based findings. The study lays down a foundation for further research LIMITATIONS Only forty samples were included in the study due to the time constraints. The study is limited to who has delivered baby before 37 weeks of gestation. RECOMMENDATIONS A similar study can be conducted for a large group in different areas on a long term basis. Similar study can be conducted among other health personnel. Similar study can be conducted by using true experimental design. Similar study can be conducted by using different teaching strategies. A comparative study can be conducted to assess the knowledge and practice in care of premature babies among normal delivery and LSCS mothers ABSTRACT The present study entitled â€Å"Effectiveness of educational intervention on knowledge regarding caring skills and coping abilities of mothers with premature babies at KMCH in Coimbatore†. The objectives of the study were as follows, assess caring skills and coping abilities of mothers with premature babies, determine the effect of educational intervention on knowledge regarding caring skills and coping ability of mothers with premature babies, compare the pretest and post test score of caring skills of mothers with premature babies, associate the caring skills and coping ability of mothers with selected demographic variables. The Design of the study was Single group pretest posttest pre experimental design experimental design. The study was conducted at KMCH maternity wards and NICU, Coimbatore, the sample size for this study was included 40 mothers with premature babies. Purposive sampling technique was adapted for this study. And the conceptual frameworks for this study we re developed by applying Ludwigvon Bertalanffy (1968) general system theory. The outcome measure of this study was knowledge regarding caring skills of mothers were assessed before and after educational intervention through administration of structured questionnaire and the coping abilities of mothers were assessed through modified coping health inventory for parents (MCHIPS) computer assisted teaching was given to the mothers. The results of the study was the mean pretest and posttest knowledge scores of the mothers with premature babies before and after educational intervention were 12.12 and 18.while mean score of coping abilities of the mothers with premature babies were 82.65.In comparison of caring skills and coping abilities, ‘t’ value of caring skills was 21.32 which is significant at 0.05 level. Coefficient of correlation between caring skills and coping ability is 0.76 which shows that there is a high positive correlation between caring skills and coping abili ty. There is no association between pretest and posttest knowledge score of the respondents on caring skills of mothers with premature babies and their education, occupation, income, type of family. The conclusions of the study were the teaching intervention of the caring skills of premature babies has significantly improved their knowledge and coping abilities.
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