Thursday, December 26, 2019
A Comparison Of Faith And The Future Of Religion - 1539 Words
A Comparison of Faith Faith, defined as a strong belief in something which cannot be proven, has been argued over countless generations. Still, even without proof, individuals worldwide hold true to their faith each day. After studying faith and religion in texts written by scholars with varying backgrounds, it is easy to see faith is something which is widely disputed. Comparison of Sigmund Freud’s The Future of an Illusion and Paul Tillich’s Dynamics of Faith, fully displays the discrepancies in points of view on the function of faith, as well as the necessity of faith, in society; while the comparison of Viktor E. Frankl’s Man’s Search for Meaning and Karl Marx’s â€Å"on the Future of Religion,†demonstrate both similarities and differences†¦show more content†¦Throughout his book, Tillich references faith as an ultimate concern to emphasize the importance of faith in the personality of individuals. Furthermore, Tillich believes faith is a vital part of human nature and that even the rejection of faith is, in itself, an act of faith. This displays Tillich’s understanding that faith will never disappear from society because it is a piece of the puzzle in what makes up humanity (Tillich). After summarizing both arguments, discernibly Sigmund Freud and Paul Tillich would hold opposing views on both the function of faith and the future of faith. The disagreement would begin with the function of religion in society, displayed when Tillich writes, â€Å"The question raised by this book is whether such belief is based on insight or on misunderstanding, and the question is unambiguously that the rejection of faith is rooted in a complete misunderstanding of the nature of faith†(146). Freud believes religion is man being immature, but Tillich feels differently. Tillich perceives the rejection of faith as the misunderstanding of the true nature of faith. If Tillich and Freud were to hold a debate, Tillich would most likely discuss how Freud misunderstands faith’s nature. Freud, however, would respond with a discussion about how faith is man looking for security in the world.Show MoreRelatedIslamophobia: Muslims and Terrorism1162 Words  | 5 Pagesviolent t errorist acts. It does so in a way that they both go hand-and-hand. In other words, it has made it as though the Islamic religion is synonymous with terrorism. The media has perpetuated Muslim stereotypes over the years that followed the 9/11 incident. Because of this, society has developed, and still has developed, this prejudiced mindset about the Islamic religion and the Muslim communities around the world. 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Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Intrinsic Human Dignity and Equality in Relation to...
Liberal democracy is prevalent in the West. This political arrangement guarantees the rights of a people in relation to their government. Many Westerners, unfortunately, cannot give a philosophical explanation and/or justification for it. Ultimately, an examination of liberal democracy will demonstrate that it rests on notions of human dignity, equality and happiness, which are not recent developments in philosophy, but have their origins in classical and scholastic thought. It is in said examination that one can reasonably conclude that liberal democracy while not the best system of government is certainly better than the alternatives. Democracy is not a contemporary phenomenon. It did not originate here in North America. Rather, its†¦show more content†¦MacIntyre wrote: A practice involves standards of excellence and obedience to rules as well as the achievement of goods. To enter into a practice is to accept the authority of those standards and the inadequacy of my own performance as judged by them. It is to subject my own attitudes, choices, preferences and tastes to the standards which currently and partially define the practice (190) It would be arbitrary and subjective for individuals to judge their own craft, may it be the arts or sciences, without referring to authoritative tradition or body to gauge the quality of their work. Thus, institutions are needed because â€Å"practices [require] a certain kind of relationship between those who participate in it†(191). This relationship is not only with contemporary practitioners, but with past practitioners â€Å"whose achievements extended the reach of the peace to its present point†(194). Thus, the dissemination of knowledge, the observance of religion and the practice of medicine require schools, churches and hospitals if future generations hope to benefit from the previously mentioned goods. 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Monday, December 9, 2019
The adventures of Asmondena Essay Example For Students
The adventures of Asmondena Essay Sonia lay on the filthy floor of the prison in Tauorga Libya. Her head was hurting like Hell from the blow She had received from the soldier after She had been stopped at the check point . She remembered that She had been dressed as a Libyan woman wearing a veil being half Libyan Herself. She though that She could get away with it. However She did not realise She was wearing Her shiny black leather gloves and was exposing part of Her leather jacket for all to see. She was ordered to take off Her veil but pretending to be a Libyan woman She pretended to be shocked at this request. She tried to fight back using Her incredible fighting skills but just as She was about to resist one of the soldiers came form behind and hit Her hard in the back of Her head with his truncheon. It was pitch dark in the cell. She could smell the stench of the floor. It was clear it was covered in urine as prisoners had urinated on the floor as there was no toilet for the prisoners to use. She could hear a rat scurrying along the floor .This was in many ways worse than the prison in Midnight Express !see She was just wearing her Black Scorpion outfit that was almost identical to the Justice League uniform of a tight black leather jacket, tight hot pants ,leather gloves and calf length boots with high heels .She searched all over around Her waist. Everything had been removed including Her purse with all Her money and credit cards, Her knives and Her whip. She searched around for Her mobile phone. She managed to locate it under Her breasts .It was a miniature phone that they obviously could not find when they searched Her . She decided to call VSC Very Senior Commander Abby urgently on the Princess Xena to send help for Her. She called and eventually Abby answered. Abby its Sonia here .Ive been captured by the Libyan army. Im in a filthy prison in Tauorga on the coast. She told Her the whole story of how She had been stopped at a roadblock and hit over the head with a truncheon as soon as She resisted. Dont worry Sonia. Asmondena is on the plane and should be here in 2 hours time.She will be joined by Justice Sarka Bloodyhaard and they are coming to rescue You and will be landing on the Libyan coast this evening. Ive had a word with that bastard General al Bariki .He has threatened that unless I withdraw the Carrier from Libyan waters then You will be publicly beheaded at midnight! Needless to say I will not give into any threats. In fact I am going to instruct Asmondena to kill him in the most excoriating way only She knows how! Sonia just stay there- help is on its way! I just cant wait all that time This cell is a real shithole Abby !Ive got to get out! Just as She was talking the door opened .It was General al -Bariki accompanied by a soldier and the prison warden. a fat greasy looking specimen whose name turned out to be Ahmed. The General stood over Her as She lay on the ground. Well you nr Norsiloving bitch ,it looks like the end of the road for you! So you are working for these Norsis who want to invade us! We know from your passport that we have seized that you are half Libyan and your real name is Sonia al- Fernandi not Sonia Fernandes your American name you fg traitor! .u327c3630f29da262723d97ffbcf37501 , .u327c3630f29da262723d97ffbcf37501 .postImageUrl , .u327c3630f29da262723d97ffbcf37501 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u327c3630f29da262723d97ffbcf37501 , .u327c3630f29da262723d97ffbcf37501:hover , .u327c3630f29da262723d97ffbcf37501:visited , .u327c3630f29da262723d97ffbcf37501:active { border:0!important; } .u327c3630f29da262723d97ffbcf37501 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u327c3630f29da262723d97ffbcf37501 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u327c3630f29da262723d97ffbcf37501:active , .u327c3630f29da262723d97ffbcf37501:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u327c3630f29da262723d97ffbcf37501 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u327c3630f29da262723d97ffbcf37501 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u327c3630f29da262723d97ffbcf37501 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u327c3630f29da262723d97ffbcf37501 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u327c3630f29da262723d97ffbcf37501:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u327c3630f29da262723d97ffbcf37501 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u327c3630f29da262723d97ffbcf37501 .u327c3630f29da262723d97ffbcf37501-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u327c3630f29da262723d97ffbcf37501:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Strategic Management Indigo Airlines EssayIve told that Norse Bitch Abby Clarafocker or whatever is her fg unpronounceable Norsi name that if She doesnt withdraw that Carrier and stop Her imperialist nonsense by midnight you will new publicly beheaded! You wont get away with it Al-Barkani or whatever your fg unpronounceable Libyan name is !Asmondena the worlds most famous and invincible Crime Fighter is on Her way and She will put you through the most terrible death and then Her and Her Colleague Justice Sarka will blow this prison to smithereens ! A tin pot dictatorship like Libya cant take on the most powerful Nation the world has ever known .They are the worlds Superpower and the Police Woman of the world They can blow this whole f-g country to oblivion! He knew She was right and the very mention of the name Asmondena made him sweat with fear, such was Her reputation throughout the world. Shut up you nr Norsi loving Bitch! he screamed as he kicked Her in the stomach. Being a really tough BS it made little difference and only made Her want to fight back even harder. Outside She could hear al Barkini and Ahmed talking as the door was locked.She could speak and understand Arabic fluently. That nr Bitch has an answer to everything! said al Barkini sweating with fear at the prospect of Asmondena being after him but trying to hide it from Ahmed. Id be careful about Asmondena being after you Boss. You dont want to mess with Her! I hear Shes lethal! Ive read about Her in China and how She managed to defeat a whole army and theyre more powerful than us! Dont worry She cant dodge bullets! he replied still sweating. How many other stupid people had said the same thing to their cost !He realised Asmondena was invincible .He was seriously thinking of defecting and going to Tunisia as were so many of Gaddafis supporters now that they faced the full wrath of Asmondena and Norseland! Sonia was getting more and more restless in that squalid cell determined to escape as soon as possible .She was also starving hungry and was not prepared to eat any prison muck. She would tell Ahmed that She had a mobile phone on Her and that She could call on assistance any time She wanted from Commander Abby. She called out to Ahmed through the cell door. Hello Ahmed darling! I thought I would tell you that I have a mobile phone on Me! I thought I should give it you. Its probably a good idea as I might phone VSC Clairesdottir now and tell Her that unless you release Me at once before Asmondena comes that I will ask Her to send a helicopter gunship to blow the whole town of Tauorga to smithereens! You house might be one of those reduced to ashes! Ahmed became frightened. His house was next to the prison and he knew that one Norselandic helicopter gunship would reduce it to heap of rubble easily. OK you hand me phone and no funny business! he said sweating with trepidation knowing too the terrible reputation of these Black Scorpions! He decided to go into Her cell with a steel truncheon similar to the one that had knocked Her out. He opened the cell door nervously truncheon in hand .It was pitch dark inside and Her dark skin and the black leather made Her even more invisible. She hid behind the door. Ive got the phone here -why dont you collect it Ahmed? He moved towards Her voice truncheon in hand. Where are you I no see you! He was now really nervous having no idea where She was. Suddenly She moved forwards out of the darkness. With terrible force She moved in coming it seemed from nowhere with a right punch and then a quick left hard into his fat soft belly! .udc26d913bf11442824d83367045575f3 , .udc26d913bf11442824d83367045575f3 .postImageUrl , .udc26d913bf11442824d83367045575f3 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .udc26d913bf11442824d83367045575f3 , .udc26d913bf11442824d83367045575f3:hover , .udc26d913bf11442824d83367045575f3:visited , .udc26d913bf11442824d83367045575f3:active { border:0!important; } .udc26d913bf11442824d83367045575f3 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .udc26d913bf11442824d83367045575f3 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .udc26d913bf11442824d83367045575f3:active , .udc26d913bf11442824d83367045575f3:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .udc26d913bf11442824d83367045575f3 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .udc26d913bf11442824d83367045575f3 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .udc26d913bf11442824d83367045575f3 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .udc26d913bf11442824d83367045575f3 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .udc26d913bf11442824d83367045575f3:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .udc26d913bf11442824d83367045575f3 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .udc26d913bf11442824d83367045575f3 .udc26d913bf11442824d83367045575f3-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .udc26d913bf11442824d83367045575f3:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The Road Not Taken EssaySNAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSHHHHHHHHHH!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! He fell on the cell door yelling with pain. She slammed the door shut as his screams could be heard right across the prison. She pulled him off the ground by the hair as he continued to groan in complete agony. She struck with a right hook that caused his jaw to cave in. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! She could detect his face in the darkness that looked as if it had been hit by a freight train at full speed !Blood and mucus was now pouring down from his jaw that sprayed all over Her black leather .Seeing the blood and mucus gushing our of his mouth made Her want to hit him even harder than ever. She swung with incredible speed to the left as Her left cross hammered into his jaw causing more teeth blood and mucus to shoot out all over Her lovely black leather. She was feeling a triple orgasm as he went flying across the room hitting his head on the wall with a loud thud. He lay there in a bloody unconscious heap as She took the keys from his belt. She kicked him once more hard into the stomach with the steel toe of Her boot feeling all his ribs crack that made him slump forwards in a heap. She ran out of the cell free at last. Her next objective was to retrieve Her possessions .She saw a soldier reading at a desk .He looked up in terror at this tall Glamazon was running straight towards him. He looked up in more terror as she was right on top of Him and Her boot heel went right into his crotch. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! Right you bastard -where are My belongings My passport My money,My credit cards, My whip and My knives? I KNOW NOTHING! he bellowed in pain as She thrust the heel in hard. Tell Me where the fk they are or you wont have any testicles left! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! TELL ME NOW!!!!!!
Monday, December 2, 2019
Say Goodbye to Fluffy Web Copy
SAY GOODBYE TO FLUFFY WEB COPY So, how many websites have you visited that are â€Å"dedicated to providing superior customer service†? Or whose â€Å"mission it is to make customer satisfaction a top priority†? Or whose products and services â€Å"meet your needs†? And so on. Fluffy phrases like this are easy to write and, on paper, they sound nice. After all, who doesn’t want superior customer service? Problem is, these phrases have been done to death and overused to the point where they don’t mean a darned thing. And, they do absolutely nothing to drive sales or tell visitors what you actually do (other than provide â€Å"superior†customer service). Good web copy should be clear and easy to understand. It should tell visitors what you do and how you do it. It should provide solutions. Good web copy should contain real information, not meaningless buzzwords. Here’s what I mean: †¢ â€Å"At XYZ Law Firm, our mission/our goal is to . . .†Instead of telling potential customers what you’d like to do, tell them what you actually do. Use strong verbs and clear language. Instead, try something like â€Å"At XYZ law firm, we . . . â€Å" †¢ â€Å"At Uncle Bob’s Mini-Storage, we are dedicated to providing the utmost customer service . . .†Okay, that’s nice and all, but can I store my priceless antiques there? Is there 24-7 security? It’s better to get to the point. For example, â€Å"At Uncle Bob’s Mini Storage, we provide gated storage units and round-the-clock surveillance to protect your valuables . . .††¢ â€Å"At Mama’s Restaurant, customer satisfaction is our #1 goal.†Okay, but what do you serve? Do you have breakfast? Why should I eat at Mama’s? Good web copy should entice readers to try out your menu. How about: â€Å"At Mama’s, we’ve been serving up old-fashioned, down-home favorites since 1952. From huevos rancheros to chicken-fried steak and gravy, we’ll satisfy your big Texas appetite, 24/7.†Have any other suggestions for killer web copy? Want to add to my list of fluffy words and phrases? Leave a comment!
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Cause and Effect Essay Topics and Ideas
Cause and Effect Essay Topics and Ideas Since every occurrence has reasons to happen and consequences that lead to other events, the ideas for cause and effect essays are endless. Sometimes the visible connection between two objects can be false and can lead to incorrect conclusions. This type of assignment is based on thorough searching and fact-checking, which helps to avoid the mentioned mistake. Cause and effect essays sample requires attention and analytical skills. Here are some cause and effect essay topics to consider for writing a cause and effect essay: Listening to Music Improves Mood and Helps Process Anger This essay may aim to state that music helps in emotion management and causes its improvement. To write an excellent essay on this topic, a student needs to analyze scientific reasons proving the statement as well as estimate the effects of music for emotion management. Resources that can be used for this essay are scientific articles from academic journals and popular psychology magazines. Recommended sources: Leah Sharman and Genevieve A Dingle â€Å"Extreme Metal Music and Anger Processing†Labbà ©, Schmidt, Babin, and Pharr â€Å"Coping with Stress: The Effectiveness of Different Types of Music†Human Resource Management Matters The idea of this topic is to show the influence of proper Human Resource Management (HRM) on the efficiency of the company. The well-written essay includes a detailed exploration of Human Resource Management and its key features. It is important to reveal the relations between those features and processes in the organization. Students can use articles of famous business experts and case studies in HRM. Recommended source: Susan Heathfield â€Å"Learn about the Importance of Human Resources Management for Retention†Influence of Arms Races in the History of Humankind This essay reviews the history of arms races and their impact on social, political, and technological areas. The beginning of the essay tells about the concept of the arms race and then briefly outlines the history of arms races. After this section, a student can focus on major arms races since the end of the 1890s and till nowadays. Each arms race can be described in the context of technological advances and events in political and social areas, which significantly affected human lives. Recommended source: Charles L. Glaser â€Å"The Causes and Consequences of Arms Races†Plastic is a Major Problem for the Planet The paper explains the ways plastic waste generates and spreads in the environment. A student can describe the chemical content of different plastics types, and how the chemicals affect organisms. Next, the student can focus on the cases confirming the significance of the problem with causes, examples, and consequences. At last, all possible solutions developed by governments, scientists, or engineers may be included as well. The information can be found in respected news agencies and scientific articles. Recommended sources: â€Å"Causes, Effects and Solutions of Plastic Pollution†on Conserve Energy Future. â€Å"What Is the Problem with Plastic?†on BBC. Why Are Earthquakes Dangerous? The essay aims to explore why earthquakes can cause massive destructions, and why it is difficult to predict them. First of all, one should describe the nature of earthquakes and their causes, as well as the dangers during the disaster. Further, the methods that scientists use to measure the power of an earthquake should be analyzed too. Also, a student may pay attention to the globally known cases of earthquakes and their outcomes. Recommended sources: James Bullen â€Å"The Science of Earthquakes Explained†Paul Fairclough â€Å"The 10 Most Powerful Recorded Earthquakes†The Effect of Video Games This essay addresses the effects of the video games industry on society. One can discuss the phenomenon of cybersports, which emerged due to the growing popularity of video games. Furthermore, the student can oppose the statement that violent games cause violence in real life. At last, the student should evaluate the reasons why so many people spend their free time playing computer games. Recommended sources: Dennis Relojo â€Å"Psychological Reasons Why Some People Play Video Games†P. M. Markey, C. N. Markey, and French â€Å"Violent Video Games and Real-World Violence: Rhetoric versus Data†The Consequences of Overpopulation Overpopulation is a serious problem that worsens rapidly. Therefore, the essay should explain the causes of the rapid human population growth, and what consequences will humanity experience in the case of critical overpopulation. Additionally, a student should reflect on the possible solutions that governments and activists might consider to start improving the situation. Recommended source: â€Å"Overpopulation: Causes, Effects and Solutions†on Conserve Energy Future. Why Is Propaganda Effective? The essay should explain why propaganda can achieve great success and what the mechanisms of propaganda are. A student can start with explaining what propaganda is and what makes it such efficient. Then, the student views the tools and methods of propaganda, which make the phenomenon influential, using the examples from history and discusses the reasons why people believe the propaganda. In the end, the student can provide methods of its revealing and countering. Recommended source: Johnny Manzaria and Jonathan Bruck â€Å"Medias Use of Propaganda to Persuade Peoples Attitude, Beliefs, and Behaviors†Consequences of Biodiversity Decline This essay addresses the extinction of species on our planet, which already has become a critical problem. Firstly, a student can explore the factors causing rapid disappearance followed by the consequences that the environment and humanity may face soon. In parallel, the student can analyze the modern rate of extinction as evidence of problem severity. The final stage is the introduction of both existing and hypothetical ways of problem-solving. Recommended source: Christopher Olver â€Å"Biodiversity Loss and Its Impact on Humanity†The Reason Why Young People Ignore Elections The apathy of young voters is a significant problem nowadays. It has several reasons; the essay should address these factors and propose ways to improve the situation. In this essay, a student can support the reasons with the commentaries of young people, which are available in news articles and analysts’ works. Finally, the student can discuss possible resolutions that are able to increase the involvement of young people. Recommended sources: â€Å"4 Reasons Young People Don’t Vote†¦ and What To Do About It†on Youth Service America. Hanan Esaili â€Å"Why Dont Young People Vote?†Why Using Antibiotics Is Responsibility? Antibiotics are powerful and widely used medicine currently. Nevertheless, the use of antibiotics requires solid knowledge and practice. In this essay, one may reveal why antibiotics are efficient and explain the causes of their efficiency. In parallel, it is important to evaluate the main factors of antibiotic resistance and their inefficiency, and what can be done to avoid these issues. Recommended sources: Leigh Ann Anderson â€Å"Common Side Effects from Antibiotics, and Allergies and Reactions†Why Do Athletes Use Doping? Doping is a serious problem in modern sports. The essay should focus on the reasons leading athletes to use it. Then, the text should focus on the most famous cases of doping and explain the motivation of athletes and the outcomes of the case. Besides, the student should focus on what has been done to fight this phenomenon. Recommended sources: â€Å"About Doping in Sport†on UKAD. â€Å"Doping in Sport: What Is It and How Is It Being Tackled? on the BBC. Why Countries Conflict Each Other? This topic addresses the causes of wars and military conflicts. In the essay, a student should reveal the variety of reasons why wars outbreak, examine possible outcomes and assess the motivations of opposing parties in the conflict. To reveal this topic fully, the student should collect historical information about different wars and analyze the events that lead to military conflicts. Recommended sources: The Economist and John Andrews The World in Conflict Kori Schake â€Å"What Causes War?†Causes of Cancer and Consequences Cancer is a devastating health problem. Unfortunately, many people do not clearly understand the causes and outcomes of the disease. This paper should examine why cancer is dangerous and what provokes it. A student should reveal the mechanisms of cancer formation and its life-threatening consequences. At last, it is worth to mention that cancer can be cured and explore efficient treatment. Recommended source: â€Å"What Is Cancer?†on Cancer Research UK. Why Do People Avoid Vaccines? There a lot of views that provoke anti-vaccination movements; however, the majority of them are false. Therefore, the essay should focus on the idea of busting those ignorant opinions. Another aim of this paper is to show why vaccines are crucial and what the benefits are for both vaccinated people and the whole society. Recommended sources: Angelica LaVito â€Å"Here Are Some Reasons Why People Dont Get the Flu Shot and Why Theyre Wrong.†Marissa Laliberte â€Å"Vaccine Facts: Busting 10 Myths About Vaccination.†Consequences of Plagiarism Plagiarism is a serious problem not only in the scientific area but also in art, business, and everyday life. It is a widespread type of cheating. Thus, it is important to understand why people plagiarize, and what the outcomes of it are. Students may focus on the specific area and analyze all the possible types of plagiarism. Simultaneously, an essay may be dedicated to the famous cases of plagiarism, their causes, and consequences. Recommended source: Michael Donnelly Critical Conversations About Plagiarism Influence of Artificial Intelligence on Modern Society Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a significant breakthrough in modern information technology. This essay covers the history of AI emergence and development. Also, the text provides positive and negative effects of AI for humanity. An additional option is to outline the future of AI and predict possible impacts. Recommended source: Anthony Delgado â€Å"Three Impacts Of Artificial Intelligence On Society†Deforestation: Reasons and Consequences Deforestation is a severe ecological problem caused by several key factors. From this, a student should analyze those reasons and explain the adverse effects. Respectively, the student may propose ways to stop deforestation and restore destroyed forests. To support your reflection, make sure to implement evidence from both scientific journals and magazines about ecology. Recommended source: â€Å"Effects of Deforestation†on The Pachamama Alliance. The Effect of Nuclear Energy on the Modern World Nuclear energy is a significant technological advancement, which has helped to manage the problem of energy shortage. The idea of the essay is to describe both beneficial and detrimental influences of nuclear energy on the environment, economy, politics, and lives of ordinary people. The student should mention what consequences would be if this type of energy is misused as well. Recommended source: Gwyneth Cravens Nuclear Energy in the 21st Century Why Is Global Web Insecure? Today, the problem of cybersecurity is an urgent issue. This topic may focus on the exploration of cases of private information leakage, as well as an explanation of their reasons and consequences for the actors. Besides, a student can evaluate the connection between cybersecurity and cybercrimes on a global scale. Many valuable articles that can support the paper can be found on the sites of credible news agencies. Recommended source: â€Å"Internet Insecurity†on Harvard Business Review The cause and effect essays are simple to write. Nevertheless, it is essential to be attentive and understand the connections between various subjects. The mentioned cause and effect essay topics describe some of the actual ideas for this essay type. They can be a starting point in further research of a particular event and its consequences.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
The Changing Faces of Present and Presentation
The Changing Faces of Present and Presentation The Changing Faces of Present and Presentation The Changing Faces of Present and Presentation By Maeve Maddox Present belongs to a group of English words that, with a shift in pronunciation, may be either noun or verb. present [prÄ•zÉ™nt] n. (accent on the first syllable) a gift present [prÄ -zÄ•nt] v. (accent on the second syllable) to introduce, to give an award In an article about the 2009 Academy Awards, I noticed a third use of present that may be in the process of entering the language: Best Present: Copresenters Steve Martin and Tina Fey, whove been funny together on TV and film, delivered a hilarious tribute to writers that made us want to see them make another movie together. Erik Pedersen, E! Online Here Pedersen is using present as a shortened form of presentation. In the way of the web, Pedersens words have been copied by numerous bloggers and it may only be a matter of time before we hear present [prÄ“zÄ•nt] for presentation the way we hear invite [Ä n-vÄ «t] in place of invitation. presentation [prÄ•zÉ™n-tÄ shÉ™n] n. the act of presenting A presentation can be a gift, or it can be something like a lecture or a slide presentation. Evidence that the cropped form present for presentation may have already caught on with some users appears in these headlines used to introduce slide shows on the web: OM slide Present SHN Membership Slide Present 2006 In looking for examples of this new, unlovely use of present, I came across a (to me) new use of presentation. When used on a wedding invitation, the expression presentation preferred, means forget the gifts, we want cash. This comment from a wedding forum shows that not eveyone is comfortable with this use of presentation: My soon-to-be mother in-law is really against presentation, but its our wedding, not hers ! I guess when we showed her the sample of the invite, she didnt notice the presentation on it. Ah, the accelerate of linguistic change! Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:What is the Difference Between "These" and "Those"?Capitalization Rules for Names of Historical Periods and MovementsCharles's Pen and Jesus' Name
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Lowest cost leader (part 3) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Lowest cost leader (part 3) - Essay Example This can be a difficult strategy to prosecute in todays fast-paced marketplace for many products. Thoughts? Comment/Discuss in 250 words? I do not completely agree with the argument that low cost leadership cannot be practiced in todays fast-paced marketplace. It is still possible in today’s world to be cost efficient and some companies are live examples in front of us. For example, Wal-Mart has successfully refined its supply chain which is adding values in the lowest cost possible in a consistent manner, hence driving the completion away. Another example is that of Mc Donalds who has been able to keep the prices of its products low through hiring cheap inexperienced labor and making it efficient. Ikea is sourcing its raw materials from other countries at lower costs, hence gaining a competitive advantage and Southwest airlines remained competitive for very long by reducing the fringe benefits being offered to the customers and reducing the resting time for their planes. Lost leadership is all about how a company refines its whole value chain and does something at a lower cost in a distinctive manner which can not be acquired by a competitor (Scilly 2015). However, it is also true that internet has improved operational effectiveness for almost all firms and that it has increased the chances of being copied rapidly hence increasing rivalry and competition. So it has become difficult for firms to stay competitive for very long and the dynamics for competition are changing quite rapidly. Therefore it has become crucial more than ever to have a distinctive strategic positioning and a unique value proposition which can be achieved with a combination of cost leadership and differentiation (Thomas 2015). The companies have proved to be cost efficient throughout human history and my take is that whatever the circumstances, there will always be winners while at the same time there will be losers too. It is all about how vigilant we are in
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Working internationally Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Working internationally - Essay Example Price fluctuations are usually reduced through purchases of both long term and short term positions within the same securities. Hedge funds differ form other types of careers on the financial sector because of the nature of business. Hedge funds are not as regulated as other investment or financial institutions. Consequently, most of them may not be as well structured as the other conventional investment institutions. Hedge funds are usually centred on the hedge fund manager. This is the person who will conduct most transactions; he may be in charge of marketing, human resource, operations and many others. (Alec, 2007) However, it should be noted that in larger hedge funds, there is more division of labour as there may be operational managers and others. Even the manners of conducting business within these hedge funds will depend upon the type of organisation chosen. Therefore employees are expected to be versatile. In order to make it in the fast paced yet exiting career in hedge funding investment, one needs to be well versed with the tricks of the trade. This can only be attained through work experience. Currently, the work experience was obtained through internship at a small hedge fund company at the heart of the City. The work experience was an enriching achievement. This is because there was an opportunity to learn first hand how hedge fund companies are run. The atmosphere was extremely busy since members of staff were not too many yet the tasks at hand were quite enormous. The environment was quite stimulating because there were instances when efforts would be rewarded there and then. However, there were also some times when it would be bitterly disappointing. It was also established that the hedge fund sector requires a lot of networking. Most of the prominent personalities in the firm were deeply engaged in the hedge fund business. They had started out as graduates but made efforts to link themselves to all the right groups
Sunday, November 17, 2019
The Joint Commission Study Essay Example for Free
The Joint Commission Study Essay Executive Summary The Joint Commission is scheduled to visit Nightingale Community Hospital for its triennial accreditation survey within the next 13 months. The purpose of this document is to provide senior leadership with an outline of the hospital’s current compliance status in the Priority Focus Area of Communication. Recommendations for corrective action are included in this document which are designed to bring the organization into full compliance in the areas where deficits have been identified. The Priority Focus Area of Communication includes 3 Joint Commission (JC) standards relative to Universal Protocol. These 3 standards, which are components of the National Patient Safety Goals, are aimed at ensuring the correct procedure is performed on the correct patient at the correct site. UP.01.01.01 requires the organization to conduct a pre-procedure verification process prior to the start of any procedure. The hospital meets this standard by following its policy titled â€Å"Site Identification and Verification (Universal Protocol)†which describes the process that is used prior to the start of any operative or invasive procedure. The hospital’s use of the â€Å"Pre-Procedure Hand-Off†checklist provides the documentation required to demonstrate compliance with the standard. Because of the criticality of this standard, I recommend a focused medical record review to measure compliance with the use of the pre-procedure checklist. If the audit reveals the checklist is completed consistently, full compliance with the standard will be verified and no further action will be required. UP.01.02.01 requires the organization to mark the procedure site before the procedure is performed. The Site Identification and Verification policy describes the process for marking the operative site however the policy as written does not meet the full intent of the standard. The policy states the patient will identify and mark the operative site. Element of Performance 3 of the standard requires the procedure site to be marked by the licensed independent practitioner who is accountable for the procedure and will be present during the procedure. EP 5 requires a written process for patients who refuse site marking or when it is impossible or impractical to mark the site. This written process is absent in the hospital’s policy. Nightingale’s policy and process must be revised immediately to reflect all the required eleme nts of the standard. Hospital physicians and staff must be educated on the necessary changes and the revised process must be put into action. Once these changes have occurred, I recommend a focused audit to ensure full compliance with the revised policy/process. UP.01.03.01 requires a time-out before the start of the procedure. The Site Identification and Verification policy describes the time-out process however the policy falls short of fully meeting the intent of this standard. EP 2 describes which team members must participate in the timeout, EP 3 requires a time-out before each procedure when two or more procedures are being performed, and EP 5 requires documentation of the time-out. These 3 elements are missing from the hospital policy/process and therefore revisions to the process/policy are necessary to include these 3 elements. Nightingale’s Safety Report reveals increasing compliance (nearing 100%) with the time-out process, however as mentioned above, EP 5 requires documentation of the process. In addition to the policy revision, I recommend the development of a unique form which will be used to document completion of the time-out and the names of the participants in the time-out. Once these changes have been implemented, I recommend additional auditing to ensure full compliance with docum entation of the time-out process. The Joint Commission reports more than 900 Sentinel Events related to wrong site surgery occurred between 1995-2010 (The Joint Commission, 2010) Their research found that 70% of the time, the root cause of wrong site surgery was communication failure (Mulloy and Hughes 2008). When it occurs, wrong site surgery can be devastating for patients and it can leave a lasting, negative impact on the surgical team. Surgeons are at risk of losing their license and hospitals risk losing reimbursement. When these events occur the risk of litigation exists as well. Wrong-site, wrong-procedure and wrong-person surgery can be prevented! The Priority Focus Area of Communication as it relates to Universal Protocol is essential to Nightingale Community Hospital for preventing wrong site surgery and promoting a safe environment within our hospital. The hospital’s Site Identification and Verification policy was developed with good intentions to meet that goal. The 3 key elements to preventing wrong site surgery; 1) pre-op verification process; 2) marking the operative site; and 3) taking a time out, are all present in the policy however there are additional elements required by the Joint Commission that are missing from the policy and leave the organization and pat ients at risk. In order to live up to our core value of safety and to ensure full accreditation with the Joint Commission, it is important for the organization to fully meet all the elements of performance. The changes outlined within this document will strengthen the policies and procedures that are intended to prevent harm to patients and will bring the organization into full compliance with the JC standards. These actions will ultimately ensure that a truly safe environment exists within the walls of Nightingale Community Hospital for the benefit of its patients, associates and the community. References The Joint Commission. (2010, 11 23). Sentinel event statistics as of September 30, 2010. Retrieved from Mulloy, D. F., Hughes, R. G. (2008). Patient safety quality: an evidence-based handbook for nurses. Rockville, MD: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. Retrieved from
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Comparing Sir Thomas Mores Utopia and Virgils Aeneid Essay -- Compar
Identity and Power in Sir Thomas More's Utopia and Virgil's Aeneid In Utopia and the Aeneid, Sir Thomas More and Virgil describe the construction and perpetuation of a national identity. In the former, the Utopian state operates on the â€Å"inside†by enforcing, through methods of surveillance, a normalized identity on its citizens under the guise of bettering their lives. In the latter, the depleted national identity of the future Romans in the wake of the Trojan War must reformulate itself from the â€Å"outside†by focusing on defining what it is not. In both instances, the lines between the â€Å"inside†and the â€Å"outside†are clearly drawn and redrawn. The two methodologies are in actuality the flipsides of one another: in clearly defining the accepted national identity and contrasting with it the danger and instability outside this narrow conception, the state is legitimized in doing violence on a massive scale to either eliminate the constructed outside threat or to further the imperialistic project so that th ese lines remain intact and unquestioned. In Utopia, the state imposes a culture of normalization to formulate a national identity that both defines and binds its citizens. The fifty-four towns of the country are virtually identical with the â€Å"same language, laws, customs, and institutions†(More 70). Even the appearances of individuals resemble each other with no distinctions in dress. This imposition of conformity serves to form a singular national identity that is artificial yet prevalent. As a result, the normalization is internalized by the people, becoming a cult of self-surveillance where the uniformity of physical appearances is superceded only by the uniformity of identity. The state succeeds in establishing a panopt... ...te literary Trojan Horse. As the representative work of the entire Western civilization, his work is guaranteed wide dissemination. However, the ambivalence of his literary conventions often traps the unwitting reader and forces him or her to confront the violent undercurrents of Pax Romana. In essence, More and Virgil speak to the dangers of imposing a normative national identity that actually becomes the flipside of a violent imperialist project. More importantly, they open up space for dissent by critiquing the seemingly impenetrable state system from the inside and thus exposing its inherent contradictions precariously built on a foundation of violence. Works Cited Virgil. The Aeneid of Virgil: A Verse Translation. Trans. Rolfe Humphries. Ed. Brian Wilkie. New York: Macmillan, 1987. More, Thomas, Sir. Utopia. Trans. Paul Turner. New York: Penguin, 1965.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Gulliver’s Travels Essay
Ten days after returning from his previous voyage, Gulliver is confronted by Captain William Robinson to work as his journey to the West Indies. The doubled salary is cause enough for Gulliver to accept the invitation and sets sail two month after the invitation. Upon arriving in Tonquin, Gulliver is appointed Captain of a sloop (a small sailboat with one mast and two sails) and ordered to transport goods; he is shortly captured by pirates. He earns his crews freedom but his attitude lands him on a small boat with limited food. He soon finds a few isles and decides to stay in the cave of a seemingly barren islandâ€â€except for a few shrub patches. After some keen observation, Gulliver notices something strange obstructing the sunlight and deduces it must be a floating island. He tries to be noticed but the inhabitants seem to give little regard for his shouting. Eventually, the floating mass draws near and from it, descends a seat that Gulliver is instructed to mount. He is then drawn up into the Island. Gulliver is welcome by many people, whom he noticed to be very strange. Their eyes look in different directions and their heads do not sit level upon their heads. In addition, he takes note of their attires, which are covered with â€Å"celestial bodies and musical instruments. †People also have a servant who follows them and carries a â€Å"flapper. †This is essentially a mace, but with a soft sac on the end. The servant’s use it to slap their masters’ mouth or ear with the intent of alerting them that it is their turn to speak or listen while in conversation. After meeting with the King, Gulliver is appointed a language tutor. Shortly after his first lesson, Gulliver notices the island to move over villages, during which, subjects collect monies from the people below. In addition, he learns that the people value mathematics and music above all. (Because of this, their language is primarily based on the sciences stated previously. ) Their skill sets are limited to these two disciplines, as well as astrology. There are also in constant fear of an apocalyptic demise, resulting from an ever incumbent meteor. After a months stay, Gulliver is learned enough to speak to the King. Gulliver is now informed by the Prince, (one of the few free thinking individuals) of the dimensions and working of the Island. He is most intrigued by the motion of the Island and how it manages to stay afloat. It is explained to him that the most experienced astronomers figured that by mounting and manipulating a great magnet in the center of their island, they are able to float and move in any direction at will. However, the island is only able to move over a specific area on earth because of the specific magnetic forces required to maintain their desired altitude. Gulliver also learns how the Island is able to rule over the inhabitants of the land below. This is done mainly through varying degrees of punishments. Essentially, Laputa uses its size and position to, block out the sun, bombard the villagers, or, simply crush the village by means of ‘dropping’ the island. Gulliver then learns of a rebellious village, with capabilities to ‘capture’ the island and kill the King. In order to maintain peace and save himself, the King has granted freedom to these people. From that instance, the King and his family are restricted from leaving the Isle. Gulliver’s boredom leads him to want to leave the Island. He approaches a lord who seems to be genuinely intelligent and curious. (An oddity on Laputa) The lord lacks musical talent and is therefore regarded as unintelligent by the inhabitants. With the help of this lord, Gulliver proceeds in petitioning the King to leave Laputa. The King accepts and proceeds in leaving Gulliver with a friend of Laputa in a place called Balnibarbi. The man whom he is left with goes by the Lord Munodi. He is of high rank and possesses great wealth. The Lord proceeds to take Gulliver around the city of Lagado. It is of great surprise to Gulliver that the city is in shambles, the people are poorly dressed, and the ground is barren. They then proceed to the lord’s estate and it is evident of the stark contrast between the city and the estate. It is well built, well managed, and has fertile vineyards, as well as cornfields, fountains and meadows. The villagers do not have high esteem for this estate and do not strive to exemplify itâ€â€rather the opposite. Gulliver is then informed that, after a visit to Laputa by some if the city’s inhabitants, they decided to construct the Academy of Laguda. The sole purpose of this Academy is to develop new agricultural and architectural techniques. The new techniques are very flawed and extremely outlandish and have left the city in its current in its current state. The techniques are supported by so many mindless individual that they allowed for the destruction of the mill. Gulliver is very curious to the details of the projects that the Academy is working, so much so, that he decides to visit. Gulliver is allowed to visit the Academy. He takes careful note of the ongoing projects. First he sees a man attempting to use cucumbers as sun storage devices. He then witnesses a scientist attempting to turn feces into food. Another researcher attempts to turn ice in gunpowder and is fully invested into the idea of the â€Å"malleability of fire. †Gulliver travels throughout the Academy and witnesses many more experiments. There are blind paint mixers who are under the impression that they can smell color. There is even a scientist who is under the impression that his random word generator is capable of writing books on any topic. A linguist is under the impression that speaking is a waste of life and every breath used to speak brings people closer to death. He proposed everyone be mute and simply act out the message they wish to convey. Lastly, Gulliver witnesses a professor attempt to teach mathematics by writing equations onto wafers and feeding them to his students. Part III: Chapter 6 Gulliver is still at the academy and proceeds to visit professors who are dealing with politics and government. They propose that taxation of women be based upon their physical attributes and relative beauty. Other claims that to uncover conspiracies, they should search through the feces of the citizens. They even propose kicking and pinching the politicians to make them ‘less forgetful. ’ After witnessing the propositions and experiments of many, Gulliver concludes that there is nothing here that he could benefit from and wishes to leave. Gulliver wishes to travel to Luggnagg but cannot find a vassal to take him. Not wanting to stay in Lagado any longer, he decided to travel to Glubbdubdrib. He is able to deduce that the Isle is inhabited by people capable of doing magic. Upon his arrival, Gulliver requests an audience with the Kingâ€â€he is granted his wish. Gulliver then witnesses people simply disappearing and reappearing and ghosts serving food. He is initially surprised and startled by these events but becomes accustomed to them. He even goes so far to request the King to appease his personal requests. The King willfully satisfies Gulliver’s requests to speak the dead. He speaks to many prominent historical figures such as: Hannibal, Caesar, Pompey, Brutus, Junius, Socrates, Epaminondas, Cato, and Sir Thomas More. He converses with them and learns that history is not as it seems and that often, it is glorified in order to cover up the embarrassing truth.  Still in the company of the King, Gulliver continues to talk to the reincarnations of prominent historical figures. He observes how Homer and Aristotle carry themselves and even goes as far to point out their mistakes; mistakes that they accept without any aggression toward Gulliver for doing so. He then proceeds to interrogate the more modern rulers and is disappointed to learn that they have not been honest with their subjects as they should have. He also calls upon simple ‘less developed’ English ancestors, whom he finds remarkable large and of good stature. He concludes that the Nobles have diminished the physical strength that the English were once blessed with. Part III: Chapter 9 Gulliver returns to Luggnagg in disguise. He only wished to return to his beloved mother countryâ€â€the Kingdom of England. His shipmates confess to the officials that a stranger is aboard, resulting in his capture, interrogation and confinement. The King has heard of Gulliver’s adventures and wishes to speak to him. Gulliver is then informed that, all of the Kings visitors are required to lick the floor as they enter the Kings room. Because Gulliver was a guest, the floor was cleaned very well, but on occasion, it is sprinkled with poison to kill the Kings enemies. Because of his vast knowledge of foreign places, the King grows to favor Gulliver and treats him very well. Gulliver is ‘invited’ to stay for an additional three monthsâ€â€he is obedient.  While in the company of the Luggnaggs’, Gulliver is told of an immortal people. These people are marked by a spot on their forehead and are called the Struldbrugs. Gulliver fantasizes how he would live his life if he were immortal. He concludes that he would study all arts and sciences and learn to acquire riches. Gulliver ponders the topic even further and postulates that he would ‘reasonably expect’ to be the â€Å"wealthiest man in the kingdom. †After being exposed to these individuals, he learns that they live forever, but are not young forever. This is a tragic flaw and the government actually considers them dead after the age of eighty. He also learns that they grow to be saddened and to live a life with neither joy, nor love. All of their marriages eventually become dissolved and they despise all mortals, most likely out of envy. As he learned of these people and about their true state, Gulliver regretted wishing that he could be immortal. Part III: Chapter 11 After spending ample time in Luggnagg, Gulliver is eventually allowed to leave. He is finally able to find a vassal to take him to Japan, with hopes of continuing on to England. Upon arrival, Gulliver had again; found himself in an uncomfortable situation. He eventually finds a Dutch ship travelling to England. The captain agrees to take him, as long as Gulliver provides works as a surgeon for half the usual rate. By blending in as a Dutchman, Gulliver is able to satisfy the Emperors requirements. He is then excused from the ritual stomping of the cross. They are now free and continue to Amsterdam, from where Gulliver is able to find passage to England. Upon arrival he goes immediately home to his healthy family.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Nike Incorporation
Nike is a world class company that manufactures and markets a wide large of sports equipments such as sports, balls, t-shirts, tracks, uniforms for various sporting activities such as football, basketball, athletics, cricket, tennis and golf. The company was in incorporated in the year 1968 in the state of Oregon, it main business being to design and manufacture the best foot wear and other accessory products. But, Nike has grown to be a world class company that sells well branded and expensive products that are well known for their high quality. Nike trademark of â€Å"just do it†is well known, and it relates to the sporting spirit. The company has more than 500 plants in more than 45 countries.[1] Nike did not experience much competition until in 1980s and 90s when Reebok and European counterparts Adidas and Puma entered the market. But Reebok was purchased by Adidas in 2006 thus Adidas is the one giving Nike competition. Nike has been the main player on the footwear market until then, the company controlled about 30% of the United States market, Reebok enjoyed about 20% followed by other companies like Adidas and Puma. Nikes abroad sales went up to $2 billion by 1995 and were leading by having 40% of total sales in footwear. [2] The marketing strategy of Nike has been the biggest success of the company. Nike has premium brands, and offers the market high quality and expensive products. The company creates a brand image which is achieved by the unique logo of a (tick) and a slogan of â€Å"just do it†which attracts lots of customers. The company also does promotional activities of its products by entering into sponsorship deals with world class football stars, celebrity athletes, national teams, and also college athletic. Nevertheless Nike has mixed it marketing strategies and has more elements more than promotion. This other elements are; competitive price, wide range of products, numerous outlets and retailers (more than 20,000), sponsorship and promotion activities. Currently, Nike has a market share of around 37% in the world. The main objective of Nike is to become a leading sport equipment manufacturer in the world and maintain these standards in future. The major client base is the youth and the young adults who mainly buy the sports products from the company. The company has put a lot of attention on products for men, women, and children, and their children’s shoes are now doing very well on the market currently. The company has created more market by venturing into various market segments and manufacturing more various products. To achieve its objective of being the leader in market business the company is exploiting new markets outside Europe. Nike has also managed to control its market by acquiring other small companies and turning them to manufacture their products. Like in 1998 it’s purchased Cole Hann which was making informal dress and shoes for $180 and cached a base of young people and their sales went up at 23% making a profit of $ 100 millions in 1998. Nike has continued to improve in its brand and marketing and its objective of being â€Å"the greatest sports and fitness company in the world†alongside world class companies like Coca-Cola. Nike gets contracts with individual clients, cooperate clients and even countries and states. The company supplies to them different products, they can be football uniform for a national team, tracksuits for national athletic teams or even tailor made shoes or uniform for specific football stars such as Ranaldhno of Brazil. [3]The market is divided in various segments which can be viewed according to the region There have been many challenges faced by Nike on the marketing side and Nike has done a lot of to recapture the market. These initiatives that Nike undertook was such as creating an ACG (all- conditions gear) unit and Techlab which was meant to market a brand of sports technology products. Such like digital audio player and waist compass these projects were meant to capture sales. In the beginning of 1999 Nike launched its products on the internet and they were directly available to the customers. Nike has continued to expand its market and with a strong marketing team lead by Mr. Perez who has vast experience, the company in 2004, posted profits of more than $1 billion. [4] The company has a high team of human resources managers who are responsible for building a workforce which is effective and efficient. This managers build teams develop the necessary talents that are seriously needed by the organization to perform their duties. The managers also inspire, mentor, set examples, innovate and revolutionize all the employees in order to achieve the best from them. The employees also attend refresher courses seminars and training to keep them in touch with new market trends and technological advancements. In general the public attitude towards the company is good, but the people of Beaverton where the company feel that it should be annexed fro where its headquarters are in Oregon State. But the company feels that the annexing will cost it $700,000 every year in terms of added taxes. The company objective is achieved through proper marketing and advancement in technology by creating high quality products and designing better management approaches to maintain the market. Another aspect the company has done is to create better working conditions and customer relationships as from 2002 Nike addressed the issues of employees exploitations and carried out random company inspections to check the working conditions of its employment. [5] Nike has training programmers to train its employees and advance them with the current market needs. Another thing that the company is involvement in is to improve its company image by getting involved in corporate social responsibilities. The company thus contributions to charities organizations and also organizes social activities for the society, and sponsors individuals and persons. This has greatly improved its image. Nike is also one of the most environmental friendly companies. And this has a very positive image in the eyes of the public which has become much environmental aware. Conclusion Nike is a big organization that commands a large market in the world. It is apparent that to maintains such a market by investing a lot in marketing and research so that it can satisfy its customers and keep up with new trends on the market. Better management skills and quality products are the main ingredient for success for any company. Many obstacles in marketing and management come up to challenge the company including stiff competition. But it is clear that with well and timely adjustments in marketing and advancement in technology and being to be innovative the company has managed to capture and maintain its markets. Therefore for any company to remain profitable and impressive its must embrace prudent management and better technology. References Collingwood, H. (1988): Nike Rushes in Where Reebok Used to Tread; Business Week, October 3, p. 42. Holmes, S. and Christine, T. (2002): How Nike Got Its Game Back; Business Week, November 4, pp. 129-31. Jenkins, H. W. (1998): The Rise and Stumble of Nike; Wall Street Journal, June 3,      [1] Jenkins, H. W. (1998): The Rise and Stumble of Nike; Wall Street Journal, June 3, [2] Collingwood, H. (1988): Nike Rushes in Where Reebok Used to Tread; Business Week, October 3, p. 42. [3] Collingwood, H. (1988): Nike Rushes in Where Reebok Used to Tread; Business Week, October 3, p. 42. [4] Holmes, S. and Christine, T. (2002): How Nike Got Its Game Back; Business Week, November 4, pp. 129-31. [5] Collingwood, H. (1988): Nike Rushes in Where Reebok Used to Tread; Business Week, October 3, p. 42.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
The Effect of Interactivity with a Music Video Game on Second Language Vocabulary Recall Essays
The Effect of Interactivity with a Music Video Game on Second Language Vocabulary Recall Essays The Effect of Interactivity with a Music Video Game on Second Language Vocabulary Recall Essay The Effect of Interactivity with a Music Video Game on Second Language Vocabulary Recall Essay This research has been done by Jonathan deHaan. W. Michael Reed and Katsuko Kuwada. Jonathan deHaan is an Associate Professor in the Faculty of International Relations at the University of Shizuoka. He earned his Ph. D. in Educational Communication and Technology from New York University. His research focuses on 2nd linguistic communication acquisition and learning with games and simulations. As for W. Michael Reed. he was a retired professor of Educational Communication and Technology at New York University and the IRB/IACUC Administrator for Radford University in Virginia. His research involvements spanned over a 25-year period and focused on educational computer science. problem-solving. metacognition. and composing procedures. Meanwhile. Katsuko Kuwada is a doctorial pupil in the International Cultural Studies plan at Tohoku University. She investigates linguistic communication and civilization ; her current research compares the usage of first-person topics in Nipponese and English based on different cultural backgrounds. The intent of this research is to cognize physical interactivity of a 2nd linguistic communication music picture game is manipulated to look into the consequence of interactivity on vocabulary acquisition and cognitive burden ( deHaan. Reed A ; Kuwada. 2010 ) or in simpler manner is to look into whether the interactivity ( and at the same time presented text. sound and life ) of picture game is immaterial cognitive burden ( therefore holding a negative consequence on larning ) or germane burden ( therefore holding a positive consequence on larning ) ( deHaan. Reed A ; Kuwada. 2010 ) . Overview The research inquiry that been highlighted here is to see interactivity of 2nd linguistic communication on music picture game on remembering vocabulary. This research captured my attending due to the use of media in learning English as 2nd linguistic communication to undergraduate Nipponese pupils. As we all know. multimedia engineering has been implemented in linguistic communication acquisition to pull every bit good as to actuate 2nd linguistic communication user to be able to comprehend. learn and bask English linguistic communication. This research is important to this aeon. in which multimedia is being integrated in linguistic communication acquisition. Thus Professor deHaan. Prof. Reed and DR. Kuwada focal point on what represent a game instead so what can be added to a game to do it accessible and gratifying in learning and larning procedure. In this research it has depicted that human cognitive architecture consists of a limited short-run memory’ ( Baddeley. 1992. Miller. 1959 ) . and a game’s complex elements ( e. g. usic. captions and wordss ) can make an inalterable high demand on working memory ( intrinsic cognitive burden ) . it is of import to understand whether a media characteristics. such as interactivity. show a pupil with unneeded immaterial cognitive burden. which interferes with larning. or germane burden. which enhances acquisition ( deHaan. Reed A ; Kuwada ; 2010 ) . Analysis This research has been done to see video game interactivity would assist or impede the noticing and callba ck of 2nd linguistic communication vocabulary. ( deHaan. Reed A ; Kuwada. 2010 ) . Here the three research workers have used interactivity. linguistic communication proficiency and picture game proficiency as independent variables while cognitive burden vocabulary written callback. and participant sentiments as dependent steps. Eighty undergraduates in which 65 of them are males and 15 of them are females in a scope of age about 18 to 24. from Computer Science University in rural Japan. Subjects’ female parent lingua is Nipponese and has 6 to 11 old ages of formal English instruction. Participants were paired and one participant in each brace was indiscriminately assigned to either drama or watch the picture game. and this been conducted in research lab. for 20 proceedingss long. Professor deHaan. Prof. Reed and Dr. Kuwada. instructed the participants to play or watch the game and larn the words of the blame. The video game degree was repeated five times by all braces. The participants were non allowed to take notes or utilize their lexicons and even non allowed to see and what more to interact with one and another. The stuff that was used in this research was Parappa the Rapper 2. Straight after cease with the experiment. participants would be given subjects from the game and were used as written cloze trial. where participants were required to compose the losing words from the game’s blame in the text’s spaces. This trial been repeated once more after 2 hebdomads. The consequence after the trial depicted that watchers of the picture game recalled significantly more vocabulary points compare to the participants. Therefore because spectators focus merely on the objects in the game and the sentences depicting the images without even have to incorporate with the game console. Meanwhile. the participants have to both focal points on the integrating with game and with console every bit good as their integrating with the sentences depicting the images. to such a grade the participants are holding cognitive tonss. Critique and Evaluation This research is focus on consequence of interactivity with music picture game on 2nd linguistic communication vocabulary callback. After exhaustively read the research paper I have found out that Professor deHaan. Prof. Reed and Kuwada pay cogently attending to cognize whether video game ( multimedia engineering ) would assist or impede noticing and recall 2nd linguistic communication vocabulary. Here the three research workers focus on cognitivist position in which harmonizing to Jean Piaget ( 1977 ) . mental procedure of an single usage in reacting to their environment. Cognitivism trades with how people think. work out jobs and do determinations. When the participants interact with the game they are utilizing their cognitive ability to prosecute with the stairss that they need to result in order to travel up to the following degree of the game every bit good as to convene on the wordss given in the game. Here the participants are reacting to their environment. nevertheless being cognitive tonss between fixating on the game and prosecuting to the wordss somehow has distracted them from concentrating on the vocabulary. Therefore has made them failed to remember the vocabulary during vocabulary recall trial. Meanwhile. the spectators do non confront the cognitive burden due to entirely one manner interaction ( having the input ) between them and the picture game. therefore has given them clip to give great item utilizing memorisation method. which is one of the 6 cognitive acquisition schemes ( Rubin A ; Wenden. 1987 ) . to indulge in the game. Furthermore. this research has proven that by utilizing video game can assist to help linguistic communication larning in 2nd linguistic communication leaner. As been reference by Hubbard ( 1991 ) . linguistic communication acquisition may go on with video game as linguistic communication is involved in the drama. It is easy to accept linguistic communication larning evolves through game as linguistic communication and job resolution are correlated and what more pupils seem to bask it. Despite that. the research has significantly highlighted that by watching the media ( game ) . in rebelliousness of affecting in it. can do the scholars notice and remembering more vocabulary items’ ( deHaan. Reed A ; Kuwada. 2010 ) . as they have merely to concentrate on the wordss merely. Hence consolidate that use of multimedia engineering ( game ) in linguistic communication category does non impede the linguistic communication acquisition. However. instructors must size up type of game that they want to utilize in their linguistic communication category. Nevertheless. in larning 2nd linguistic communication it is non adequate by merely interact with game and the wordss. To go competency in a linguistic communication 1 must besides portray the intent of utilizing the linguistic communication instead than merely simply know the linguistic communication yet non pass on it in purposeful conversation to reenforce the acquisition. therefore communicating is of import in linguistic communication acquisition. Like what has been mentioned by Douglas Brown ( 2000 ) . communicating is non simply an event. something that happens ; it is functional. purposive and designed to convey about some consequence. Due to that. 2 hebdomads after the research has been done. the participants been called to try 2nd trial to measure their vocabulary in remembering the game wordss. Here both participants and spectators have shown drastically cut downing of vocabulary if comparing to the old trial. This has proven that without purposeful larning pupils will non be able to prolong the vocabulary. On my behalf. I strongly believe that communicative support can heighten on linguistic communication larning via engineering. as one linguistic communication acquisition and no purposeful practise will impede the linguistic communication larning procedure. Through this research I have learnt to assent. without coaction with larning schemes ( between memorizing. recalling and pass oning via multimedia tool ) . the linguistic communication acquisition will non go purposeful and will do one larning a failure. Decision It can be concluded that physical interaction of this game has immaterial cognitive burden consequence on the participants. therefore non contributing to larning and seemed to hold unnecessarily diverted the players’ attending from the vocabulary and impede callback. Meanwhile. the spectators of the game have non exposed to the extra immaterial burden and have been able to give more cognitive resources to the intrinsic burden of the game and its linguistic communication. As a effect this research I have learnt that suited game ( multimedia ) can help linguistic communication larning procedure as pupils seemed to bask such activity. In any regard with purposeful support such as germane communicative support can counterbalance linguistic communication acquisition better. Furthermore. deduction of this research on future survey. instructors will be more selective in taking multimedia stuff for their categories and they will do certain balance input been given in the sense of interactivity and linguistic communication acquisition so that no cognitive burden will happen and impede linguistic communication larning via multimedia.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
How to Write a Literacy Narrative
How to Write a Literacy Narrative I first learned to read at the age of three while sitting on my grandmother’s lap in her high-rise apartment on Lake Shore Drive in Chicago, IL. While flipping casually through Time magazine, she noticed how I took a keen interest in the blur of black and white shapes on the page. Soon, I was following her wrinkled finger from one word to the next, sounding them out, until those words came into focus, and I could read. It felt as though I had unlocked time itself. What Is a â€Å"Literacy Narrative?†What are your strongest memories of reading and writing? These stories, otherwise known as â€Å"literacy narratives,†allow writers to talk through and discover their relationships with reading, writing, and speaking in all its forms. Narrowing in on specific moments reveals the significance of literacy’s impact on our lives, conjuring up buried emotions tied to the power of language, communication, and expression. To be â€Å"literate†implies the ability to decode language on its most basic terms, but literacy also expands to one’s ability to read and write the world - to find and make meaning out of our relationships with texts, ourselves, and the world around us. At any given moment, we orbit language worlds. Soccer players, for example, learn the language of the game. Doctors talk in technical medical terms. Fishermen speak the sounds of the sea. And in each of these worlds, our literacy in these specific languages allows us to navigate, participate and contribute to the depth of knowledge generated within them. Famous writers like Annie Dillard, author of The Writing Life, and Anne Lammot, Bird by Bird, have penned literacy narratives to reveal the highs and lows of language learning, literacies, and the written word. But you don’t have to be famous to tell your own literacy narrative - everyone has their own story to tell about their relationships with reading and writing. In fact, the Digital Archive of Literacy Narratives at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign offers a publicly accessible archive of personal literacy narratives in multiple formats featuring over 6,000 entries. Each shows the range of subjects, themes, and ways into the literacy narrative process as well as variations in terms of voice, tone, and style. How to Write Your Own Literacy Narrative Ready to write your own literacy narrative but don’t know where to begin? Think of a story linked to your personal history of reading and writing. Perhaps you want to write about your favorite author or book and its impact on your life. Maybe you remember your first brush with the sublime power of poetry. Do you remember the time you first learned to read, write or speak in another language? Or maybe the story of your first big writing project comes to mind. Make sure to consider why this particular story is the most important one to tell. Usually, there are powerful lessons and revelations uncovered in the telling of a literacy narrative.Wherever you begin, picture the first scene that comes to mind in relation to this story, using descriptive details. Tell us where you were, who you were with, and what you were doing in this specific moment when your literacy narrative begins. For example, a story about your favorite book may begin with a description of where you were when the book first landed in your hands. If you’re writing about your discovery of poetry, tell us exactly where you were when you first felt that spark. Do you remember where you were when you first learned a new word in a second language? Continue from there to explore the ways in which this experience had meaning for you. What other memories are triggered in the telling of this first scene? Where did this experience lead you in your writing and reading journey? To what extent did it transform you or your ideas about the world? What challenges did you face in the process? How did this particular literacy narrative shape your life story? How do questions of power or knowledge come into play in your literacy narrative? Writing Toward a Shared Humanity Writing literacy narratives can be a joyful process, but it can also trigger untapped feelings about the complexities of literacy. Many of us carry scars and wounds from early literacy experiences. Writing it down can help us explore and reconcile these feelings in order to strengthen our relationship with reading and writing. Writing literacy narratives can also help us learn about ourselves as consumers and producers of words, revealing the intricacies of knowledge, culture, and power bound up in language and literacies. Ultimately, telling our literacy stories brings us closer to ourselves and each other in our collective desire to express and communicate a shared humanity.​ Amanda Leigh Lichtenstein is a poet, writer, and educator from Chicago, IL (USA) who currently splits her time in East Africa. Her essays on arts, culture, and education appear in Teaching Artist Journal, Art in the Public Interest, Teachers Writers Magazine, Teaching Tolerance, The Equity Collective, AramcoWorld, Selamta, The Forward, among others.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
The process of globalisation and its impacts on international business Essay
The process of globalisation and its impacts on international business activities - Essay Example ocess is further understood in the 20th century colonialism in Africa and Latin America, where the capitalists seek to extend their dominion and individualism ideas to the ‘new’ worlds. During this epoch, new economies emerged through the adoption of capitalistic model of governance, which catapulted the Western European countries to financial glory in the early 19th century. Mann (2006) summarises in his book that the process of Globalization was deeply founded in imperialism. Economies opened up for accrual in the First World realms at the cost of exploitation of the Third World nations. In this phase, the outlook of Globalization relied on the leadership fashion of the rulers of that time. The leadership mentality enabled the imperialists distinctively segregate people based on social strata, enabling them further exploit the Third World countries. The raw materials from these nations were extracted and utilised in military and administrative developments by the First World countries; this way, the economies continued to flourish whereas the poor nations were hard-pressed more to paucity. The next stage of Globalization centred on inter-imperial business actions. The joint trade between the European states, the United States of America and more recently, Japan founded a chain of groups on regional echelon, collectively with the governing powers. The economic alliances gave rise to collaborations and competitions in the business realm, leading to a faceoff for market share control by the multinationals. The coalition also bolstered the exploitation of the Third World markets more effective (McCarthy, 2012). Foreign trade forms a fundamental part of Globalization. Transfer of supplies on an international scale is closely interlaced with the different orders of the social ladder and the commercial markets. The nature of the relationship helps the facade of Globalization attain a class disposition (Gilbertson, 2009). As much as the morphology of
Friday, November 1, 2019
Nursing Care of COPD Patient Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 6000 words
Nursing Care of COPD Patient - Research Paper Example Nursing knowledge seeks to derive and acquire a set of rules through explanatory theories leading to the production of critical analysis and thinking skills through which the professional nurse generate integrative understanding about the care she is required to deliver to any patient (Fawcett and Alligood, 2005). The main forms of knowledge that the nurses need to employ in practice are personal practical knowledge, knowledge of medical theoretical knowledge, knowledge about procedures that they need to participate, knowledge on the culture of the ward, and knowledge about how to reflect on the care provided to consolidate the experience and seek more knowledge. However, the academic or theoretical knowledge would also involve seeking evidence from research to inform, guide, and modify practice. Jenny and Loagn (1992) indicated that nurses knowledge also include the knowledge about their patients whom they care since they tend to identify and know the holistic dimensions of the pers on they care, different from their knowledge about their diseases. Melesis (2007) indicated that based on this knowledge, the nurses are concerned with their care which involves "hygiene, rest, exercise, sleep, nutrition, relief from pain, rehabilitation, and safety in the context of a patient’s daily life, state of health or illness, and their environment†(Melesis, 2007). It has been argued that the current care systems based on a holistic approach tends to change the delivery of care by the nurses, and these would require new knowledge and ways of knowing. The traditional models of nursing knowledge and medical-model learning may be inadequate to suffice the needs of these clients. Sullivan-Marx (2006) has indicated continuous development and progress of nursing knowledge through experience from care scenarios (Youngblut and Brooten, 2001).
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Law Of International Insurance contracts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 1
Law Of International Insurance contracts - Essay Example The Convention recognized the inherent risks of the aviation industry, thus, it seek to protect the airline companies by putting limitations on its liabilities towards it passengers and cargo. To strike a balance between protecting the interest of the airline companies and protecting the welfare of the passengers, the framers of the Warsaw Convention 1929 instituted provisions that define the certain terms. Section 17 of the Warsaw convention specifically said that, â€Å"The carrier is liable for damage sustained in the event of the death or wounding of a passenger or any other bodily injury suffered by a passenger, if the accident which caused the damage so sustained took place on board the aircraft or in the course of any of the operations of embarking or disembarking. â€Å" The definition of â€Å"accident†according to the Warsaw Convention has been the subject of many debates and arguments in and outside of the courts for several years. In settling arguments, the courts have defined the word â€Å"accident†in many decided cases both in the United States and the in the United Kingdom. To get a clearer picture of how the courts define the word â€Å"accident†and how this definition has affected the insurable interests of aircrafts and their passengers, let us take a closer look at the leading cases decided by the Courts. The definition of the word â€Å"accident†in the airline industry is the same in both the United States and the United Kingdom. Note that the Warsaw Convention was meant to establish a uniform liability of airline companies towards their passengers thus, the courts, in defining the word â€Å"accident†according to Article 17 of the convention, adopt a more or less interpretation. According to the provisions of the Warsaw Convention, it is not enough that the carrier failed to convince the court that it took all necessary
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